Not Now, Jimmy!

Evelyn Singleton was slightly winded after climbing up the 120 steps to platform 1 of the Ishikawacho Japan Railway Station in Yokohama. She prided herself for her physical endurance. Before her husband Seth agreed to accept the position of professor of Linguistics at  the prominent women's university in Yokohama, she took part in the Full Marathon Race in San Francisco. But she was winded this morning. Jimmy their four-year-old son chose to be contrary. She was forced to carry Jimmy and his teddy bear up the steps if she wanted to catch the train on time. Fortunately, after setting Jimmy and his teddy bear down on the platform, she found empty seats. “Sit here, Jimmy. Play with Teddy.”

“When’s the train coming, Mommy?”

“Soon, Jimmy. And soon you’ll be playing with your friend Gary.”

She took out her smartphone to check for messages she might have missed on the way to the station. Nine emails and 12 chats. She opened the first of the emails, the one from the credit card company informing her of a suspected charge. “$2,300 for a computer.” No, no. I’d better take care of this right away. With lightning speed, she pecked out a message to the credit card company with her thumbs.


“Not now, Jimmy.” 

She decided the other emails were not worth her immediate attention. The chats from her friends back home took priority. She opened the one from Doris Franklin. “Check out my latest blog.” Doris put up a new series of her artistic photographs.   


“Not now, Jimmy.” 

She thumbed through Doris’s photographs and tapped out brief comments for each one. 

The next chat was from Lilly Carpenter. “I’m expecting again. I don’t know what to do.” Evelyn pecked out a terse message. “I’ll call you tonight.”


“Not now, Jimmy.”

The next chat message from her younger brother caught her attention. “Sis, take a look at my latest animation.” Evelyn opened the website address. The animation took life on her 6-inch smartphone screen.


“Not now, Jimmy.”

The animation ended just as the loudspeaker announced the arrival of the train. At that moment, she realized Jimmy was not sitting next to her. He was standing at the edge of the platform. 

“Mommy, Teddy fell down on the tracks.” He leaned over the platform and saw Teddy lying on one of the rails. 

The train arrived on schedule.



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